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About SeetLab

SeetLab is the base where we carry out exploration of software techniques and solutions.  The exploration is focused on developing new methods and algorithms to solve problems we have taken an interest in.  The type of problems can range from purely academic — where the impetus was to satisfy some intellectual curiosity regarding certain aspects of software technology;  to potentially very practical — where the solution might provide a hopefully better way to address some real-world issues.

In the latter scenario, an entire app might be built to test out the viability of the solution concept in the real world.  Given this approach, the apps published by SeetLab tend to be somewhat different from conventional apps, as it is never our intention to build apps to simply replicate tried-and-tested offerings that already exist in the marketplace.  Rather, we hope that any work we publish through SeetLab would contribute something new and valuable to the community.

BookMapper is the first app published by SeetLab.   We have a deep conviction of where we think ebook reader technology should be headed, and we developed BookMapper as a proof-of-concept of this.  If you are new to BookMapper we invite you to download the app and give it a try.   If you have already tried BookMapper, we would very much welcome your feedback to help us make it better.  We notice that BookMapper has been downloaded by users from a wide range of countries, so we would like our users to feedback to us even in languages other than English (we shall try to bridge any language differences using translation tools).

For feedback that is product-specific, please use the form in the Feedback page so that we know which platform and version of the product your feedback refers to.  For general matters that you wish to contact us about, you can use the form below.

Contact Us

Please do not use this form for submitting product feedback (including product support issues and bug reports); for this, use the form in the Feedback page instead.

IMPORTANT:  If after clicking Send Message you receive the response “The form was unable to submit. Please contact the site administrator”, just click Send Message again and we will receive the message.