BookMapper released

Today marks a milestone in the development of BookMapper — both the Windows and macOS versions of BookMapper have been released for public download in their respective stores (Microsoft Store and Mac App Store).  On the Mac App Store, the app is named BookMapper by SeetLab, as the name BookMapper has already been reserved by someone but unused till now by whoever reserved it.

It has been my conscious goal all along to develop BookMapper in parallel for both these platforms to ensure that the discipline of keeping the code platform-agnostic as far as possible is strictly observed.  Developing for cross-platform is always much harder and slower than developing for a single platform, but it is a necessary price to pay for BookMapper’s codebase to be ready for transitioning to additional platforms in the future.

For now, more work remains to be done to consolidate and improve the existing two platform versions before tackling new platforms.  Also, this is a good juncture to receive user feedback in order to decide development priorities.